Top Myths about Oral Sex

Uncovering the most talked about fears & notions about Oral Sex and unveiling some amazing advantages of Oral Sex.

Top Myths about Oral Sex

Oral Sex has majorly been one of the most debatable and yet most experimented type of sex. Couples and individuals have been left speculating and guessing about the benefits of the same.

To say the least, research and experiences of time and again shown that for people who have a sexually satisfied relationship, oral sex has always been the most integral part of it. Rather a majority of them believe that Oral Sex occupies a majority of their intimate time spent.

In case you don’t know what Oral Sex is and what are the different types of Oral Sex, I suggest you to please check another blog I have written i.e. “What is Oral Sex”. In this blog itself you might also uncover “How Men and Women feel about Oral Sex” majorly.

But I having believed that let my readers uncover for themselves than being led to certain types of sex; I would be talking about the benefit and myths about and off Oral Sex.

To come with the bad news first, let’s first talk about myths of oral sex.

 Myths about Oral Sex:

 Myth : Oral Sex is an intercourse which results into loss of virginity:

Lets first see the exact meaning of Virginity. Wikipedia says,

“The term virgin originally only referred to sexually inexperienced women, but has evolved to encompass a range of definitions, as found in traditional, modern, and ethical concepts. Heterosexual individuals may or may not consider loss of virginity to occur only through penile-vaginal penetration

From the above definition it is quite evident that loss of virginity to occur only through penile-vaginal penetration i.e. in simpler terms, one needs to have physical peneteration. So essentially, since you do not undertake Penile-Vaginal Penetration, YOU ARE STILL A VIRGIN AFTER ORAL SEX… PERIOD!

 Myth : Oral Sex is Dirty:

Sex is as dirty as you perceive it. Some see the point of pleasure because Sex is dirty. But essentially if I talk about Hygiene, Oral Sex is not dirty. It is cleaner than physical intercourse. If I talk about transmission of STD’s (Sexually Transmitted Disease) Oral Sex is not if not worse, certainly is safer than Physical Intercourse.

In case one doesn’t like the smell etc, the issues is your partner’s personal hygiene not oral sex. Research does suggest that Oral Sex with multiple partners in a short span of time is unhygienic. So stick around with one!

Wise advice is to wash yourself completely before Oral Sex just to be sure that Hygiene is out of the way to spoil the fun.

 Myth : It’s as good as Physical Intercourse or Vaginal Sex:

Oral Sex is not a replacement for Physical Intercourse. Oral Sex more or less elevates two things:

  1. Pleasure one derives of off the Physical Intercourse
  2. Chances of a Women getting to orgasm

Is it better then Vaginal Sex? In most cases no… But again it depends from individual to individual. What I suggest to my clients is to experience them both and then decide which one to do more often. But remember its ‘more often’. Both Oral Sex and Vaginal Sex is important for healthy and fulfilling sexual relationship.

 Myth : Oral Sex might result into Pregnancy

If you have this myth, then I guess you need to know how a female becomes pregnant.

“According to, one common way is through unprotected vaginal intercourse, during which a man ejaculates sperm into the vagina. The sperm can then travel up through the cervix, into the uterus, and, if an egg is present, the sperm may fertilize it.

It is also possible — but less likely — for women to become pregnant through any kind of sex play in which semen, or ejaculate, comes in contact with the vulva. The sperm can travel through the moisture on the vulva into the vagina.”

Now in Oral Sex, the Genitals of the Female and Male Partner do not match and hence the sperm can’t travel (assuming that in a very unlikely case one aloof sperm manages to get to the egg)

 Myth : Oral Sex can never result in an Orgasm

Popular belief about Oral Sex is that it is only a part of Foreplay (the kissing, licking etc) before the natural sex. However Oral Sex stimulates and arouses both the partners which can result into climax/orgasm.

Concepts like Orgasmic Meditation etc advocate the extensive use of Oral Sex to achieve orgasm

PS: At times climaxing from Oral Sex is even better than Natural Sex.

 Myth : Oral Sex can never result into STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease) or STI (Sexually Transmitted Infections):

By logic people think since Oral Sex doesn’t involve any physical intercourse, it shall not result in any STD’s STI’s. Oral Sex never keeps you aloof from the risk of STD’s.

Rather STD’s and STI’s are spread when body fluids are exchanged among two or more individuals.

This results in making Oral Sex qualify to have the potential to Transmit STD’s/STI’s .

 Myth : Oral Sex is the only way one can have sex during period:

Yes Oral Sex is a great and easy way to have sex during periods. But if one tells that it is the only to have sex during period, it might not be true.

One can have sex physical intercourse during Periods as well. Yes there is always a chance of blood spillage, but that can be managed by proper covering of protective sheets.

Actually research and survey show that sex during periods can be more fulfilling and satisfying for Women. Plus it also helps to keep the mood swings at bay (atleast for a time being).

So Oral Sex is one of the most integral part of any individuals Sexual Experience. One must not undermine it and give it the importance it deserves. I hope it helps us you to demystify Oral Sex.

Rest GO and TRY IT … and decide for yourself about how and when you like to experience Oral Sex with your partner.

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